The school building was enormous. Located in downtown Brooklyn, the yellow brick monolith housed not only classrooms, but specialized labs, sheet-metal, machine and wood shops, a foundry, an operating radio station, basement pool and rooftop gym. In case you're wondering why a foundry in a NYC high school, Tech prided itself on preparing students for not just college, but careers in technical fields such as Chemistry, Architecture, Aeronautics, Electronics and Mechanical Drawing. The foundry was where we poured molten metal into a sand mold to create a casting of the "stepped V block" we made in wood shop. (To this day, I have no idea what a stepped V block is.)
During the years I attended Tech, William Pabst was its principal. He ran a tight ship for a public school, and nonsense was not tolerated. He had his S.O.S. (Safety, Order, Service) student patrols roaming the halls, waiting to ambush late arrivals or rat out anyone in the halls without a pass. The cafeteria had to serve lunch in shifts to accommodate the mass of students. They featured a daily "special"...a hot lunch for around 15 cents. You were also required to buy a plastic token that you would exchange for eating utensils. You would stand in line at the utensil booth, give the lady in the hairnet your token, and she would give you eating utensils for the meal. When you were done, you turned the silverware in and got your token back. They did this to prevent students from stealing the utensils or just throwing them away.
Tech had its share of fine teachers, but it harbored a few looney toons too. A Mechanical Drawing teacher named Mr. Riker would leave the room and then sneak back in, crouching beneath the desks and then leap up trying to catch students doing something wrong. I had a Geometry teacher (best not to name him) who ruined math for me. He was a heavy drinker and could barely stand up much less explain plane geometry. I also seem to recall a wood shop teacher with a missing finger. (Insert your own joke here.)
The teacher who had a major influence on me taught English, and went by the name of Patricia Hornberger. I always liked reading and writing well enough, but somehow she put my love of words into another gear. Maybe because she was younger than most teachers at the school, or because she had a sense of humor and knew how to make learning fun. She would make us read Shakespearean plays aloud, with each student taking a turn. If you don't think it's funny listening to kids from the streets of Brooklyn read lines like: "Fly, fly, my lord! There is no tarrying here" from Julius Caesar, then think again. I can only thank providence for sending Ms. Hornburger to me. I only wish I could tell her how much her passion for teaching changed my life.
All in all, I got a good education at Tech, but because I was a bit of a jerk, never graduated and had to finish high school elsewhere. In my senior year, I got in with some bad company and was soon cutting classes regularly. Because I was able to duplicate my mother's handwriting perfectly, I wrote absence notes that were accepted by the school without question. Once I misspelled a word on one of my fake absence notes. Catching the error, I wrote a replacement note, and tucked the incorrect one into one of my books. Unfortunately it fell out, was found by another student and turned in to the school office where they saw an almost identical note already on file. After bringing my mother in for questioning, the jig was up and I was asked to leave the school. My forgery career came to an abrupt end.
Some months later, during a nocturnal trip to Rockaway Beach where we went to drink Thunderbird wine, I angrily took off my Brooklyn Tech senior ring and flung it into the ocean. (I'm a very dramatic drunk.) Not graduating Tech is one of my regrets in life. Thankfully the seeds of learning were already planted by good teachers like Patricia Hornberger, and I went on to get my Masters Degree after I matured a bit and found a partner in life who, as Jack Nicholson said in the movie As Good As It Gets: "...made me want to be a better man". CLICK ON DATES AT TOP RIGHT TO SEE OTHER “SPALDEEN DREAMS” POSTS.
"Proudly we rise to salute you again
loyal we stand now six thousand strong..."
Yes I remember it well...graduating in 1963.
but to be honest, the school had the ambiance of a prison. And Pabst was, a warden.
Anyway. Tech is now in the news again for a sex scandal.
Great place to have graduated from, which I did. But wrong school for me.
But life turned out well.
Thanks for this post...brings back a lot memories...good and bad.
I went to Brooklyn Tech in the 1970's. It was the biggest mistake I ever made. The teachers there were prison wardens who had a mentality of LEARN THIS OR ELSE!!! They were angry people who shoved useless courses down your throat and never bothered to explain how they were relevant to real life. They should have called that place ANGRY TECH. There is nothing redeeming about that place, I got nothing good out of that place and I have NO FOND MEMORIES of that place. Brooklyn Tech is a freaking toilet!!!
I graduated in 1960. Yes, it was very regimented. it was a big building, and I was an SOS guard, making sure boys used the right stairs, on the right side of the hall, etc. We had slide rules, T-squares, and a step-v-block for machining and foundry.
I went to a few dances, to the Sr. prom, the gyms, and all the assemblies. That was 62 years ago. I have graduated to become a geezer. It is amazing I remember anything.
Rich Peppin CP class 1960
Here is the full text of the Tech “anthem” from 1960,
which used to shake the massive auditorium when it was sung in weekly assemblies (hopefully remembered correctly after having graduated way way back in the Spring of 1964).
Now ...where did I put my slide rule? :-)
Tech Alma Mater, molder of men
Proudly we arise to salute thee again
Loyal we stand now six thousand strong
Wake echoes wake as we thunder our song
Tech we will sound thy triumphs
Tech we will sing of thy might and thy fame
Tech may thy sons bring thee glory
All honor and praise to thy name.
I myself have nothing but praise for the instructors, rigorous discipline and strict standards I encountered in this amazing NYC public high school.
While many courses may now seem irrelevant or a waste of time, Tech’s most valuable lesson was the lifetime skill of how to think, how to tackle problems, now to organize, to plan, to persevere, and to pursue one's goals and dreams. All of which were invaluable lessons in life.
Sadly in recent years some have wrongly criticized Tech's strict admission standards as somehow being racially discriminatory. Looking at it simply thru the narrow frame of numbers that maay seems "true”. But if anything Tech is today heavily "prejudiced" against caucasian students while favoring Asians. In other words the racial prejudice argument is false (unless we want all institutions , including NBA basketball team players, to be chosen by their racial percentage in the population as opposed to talent. There is no Bull Connor standing at the gates of Tech, barring black or hispanic students —-just the rigors of tests that - however imperfectly- try to gauge the ability to succeed for the limited spaces in this highly disciplined & demanding environment, an environment that asks much of students, but also gives back so much more. If this school works, and it does, then create more of the same — instead of watering Tech down into just another (and all too often failing) NYC public high school.
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